Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fundraising Proposal- The Entrepreneur Club-Lesson 2

It is important that students are able to formulate
their own ideas and descriptions concerning the event
they want to advertise. The best way to promote an event,
and to successfully have the approval of all higher powers
in the organization hierarchy, is to propose your idea in a
clear and well written format.

Although proposal writing varies from person to person,
the concept always remains the same.

In today's lesson we are going to learn how to put your
ideas into paper so others are able to comprehend the
complexity of your event.

  • First create a catchy name for your event.
  • Write a well-written description about why you are creating the event. Write at least 2 paragraph
  • Then, write an in depth detail of what activities in your even will consist of. Write at least 1 paragraph for each activity.
  • In the concluding part of your proposal it is always recommended to inform the reader about the time and location in which the event will take place and the approximate amount of people you will most likely expect. This is only for security purposes. Also, add a small brief detail about why this event will benefit the students and the community as a whole. This last part is to give your reader a more humanistic style to your event.
Classroom Activity: Proposal Writing: Phase I

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